Lower Hudson Transit Link
The Lower Hudson Transit Link (LHTL) Capital Works Program includes new bus stations and comprehensive intersection improvements along the corridor. The project seeks to include “complete streets” design elements, which balance space more evenly to meet the mobility needs of all transportation users, including pedestrians. Improvements will increase the attractiveness, utilization, and quality of local transit and the new regional inter-county network of priority transit services.
High-quality bus stations with amenities improve the experience for all riders. Stations offer comfortable, well-lit, weather-protected waiting environments with seating, real-time bus arrival information, off-board fare collection, a system map, Wi-Fi, and bike parking (where appropriate and space allows). Stations feature unique system-wide branding, utilizing distinctive materials and visual elements to distinguish the LHTL stations from those of other regional bus systems. Stations will also offer improved pedestrian connections to local destinations.
Billings Jackson worked as a sub-consultant to Arup, taking responsibility for the concept design of the bus shelters and the design and specification of other amenities such as bike racks, lighting elements, ticket vending machines and electrical boxes. Billings Jackson also designed the branding, including the logo and its application across various items, from shelters to the bus livery. Billings Jackson also developed the brand application guidelines, a manual for how the visual assets developed for the project are implemented as the project rolls out.